At Flometrics we can do experiments and calculations in parallel to achieve the major objectives of an engineering project. The ability to quickly go from concept to testing to final solution is a key to what makes Flometrics effective. Some examples of mathematical models that we have validated with testing include:
- Heat Sink natural convection
- Mathematical Model of Hot Wire Anemometer
- Predicted Pressure Ratio in Multistage Centrifugal Blower
- Condensation Downstream of a Compressor
- Calculation of Body Temperature and Pressure Correction for Human Ventilation
- Calculation and Design of Tissue-Drying System for Laser
- Heat transfer in Oil Cooled toroidal Transformer
- Pressure Drop Predictions in Arthrectomy Device
- Mathematical model of Pistonless Rocket Propellant Pump

Experimental Solutions
Flometrics specializes in experiments to quickly and accurately validate customer solutions. The engineers can put together data acquisition systems to measure system performance. By using our modeling capability to produce accurate models of your system, we can combine it with velocity, pressure, flow and temperature measurements to understand how to improve your products. In fluid dynamics and thermodynamics in particular, an experiment is worth a thousand hand-waving explanations. If your problem requires a set of external flow experiments, our ready access to various wind-tunnels and water channels can get answers quickly. For internal flow problems we have turbine, magnetic and other flowmeters that measure flow from a few ml to 1000’s of gallons per minute. We also have hot wire and laser doppler anemometers.
Experimental Laboratory Equipment
Flometrics can design and assemble a custom data acquisition system for pressure, temperature, flow rate, velocity or virtually any other parameter you need measured. Our systems are based on microprocessor controlled virtual instruments and have custom GUI and electronics based on your needs! Data acquisition systems can be combined with custom designed flow loops or wind tunnels to produce turnkey calibration and test systems.
Featured Equipment: Pressure Pulse Generator
The Flometrics Pressure Pulse Generator & Attenuation Testing Device (PPGATD) is an all-in-one system for testing frequency response and attenuation of transducers, catheters and other pressure-sensing devices. The system was developed using Flometrics’ extensive knowledge of fluid mechanics and years of experience in the engineering services field. This system is in use by several of the world’s top medical device manufacturers.
Pressure and frequency capabilities can be custom-tailored for the required application. Typical specifications are listed below.
- Pressures from 0 to 200 torr
- Frequency up to 1 khz
- Waveforms: sine, square, triangle, custom

The pressure pulse generator unit is also available separately for customers who do not require automatic control and measurement. When used in this way, the device can be a substitute for the hard-to-find Biotek 601A.